#GGXNTS THE COLLABORATION. NTS RADIO and GoodGym bring You Sounds To Run To.
This month Pavement Bound teams up with Goodgym and NTS Radio to bring you MIX 03 of the ongoing collaboration between GoodGym and NTS, providing you with some killer beats to run to, GGxNTS present ‘Sounds To Run To’.
Wriggly Scott heads up this mix off the back of his regular Thursday NTS show ‘Flavour of the month’ which sees him teaming up with Dazed’s editor in chief, Mr. Tim Noakes.
Impossible to replicate, Wriggly has mixed up sounds ranging from Ukranian pop, New York hip-hop, and sleazy Brazilian soul. It’s not difficult to note the talent that Wriggly and Noakes have, it permeates through many levels in this mix.
The #GGXNTS mix is packed with an hour of beats to accompany your own cityscape. As densely populated as the communities they once sat tight in. This is undoubtedly a distinctive head-nodding, pavement pounding, combination of global samples.
Pavement Bound’s very own Tilly Stasiuk took some time to sit down with Wriggly and chew the fat. Talking stage names, drunken decisions, experimental Hip-Hop and (of course) running .
No cover charge, this sets December’s party pace…
Tilly Stasiuk – Hi Neil aka Wriggly Scott….actually, how did that name come about?
Wriggley Scott – Erm, its a bit of a weird one actually, I’ve gone through many aliases over the amount of time that I’ve made beats and DJIng and stuff. I actually think at one point when I came up with a name I was making like really dark, industrial hip hop, then I also started making sort of weird sleezy organ music.
TS – Oh nice.
WS – Erm, and its a bit silly.
TS – Is that along with the whole Wriggly Scott kind of vibe?
WS – Yeah basically, I think I was really drunk actually and came up with this character who wanted to be a film director, but then he failed at being a director so ended up being a projectionist in a porn theatre.
TS – Oh wow!
WS – And at night he’d go home and make like sleazy organ porno music.
TS – Sounds more Wriggly than Neil.
WS – Yes.
TS – So that works.
WS – Yeah, I mean basically I thought the name was pretty stupid but my wife said it was cool so I was like ok yeah cool.
TS – I love it, but it is really hard to track you down ya know. So, you and Tim Noakes head up Flavour of the Month on NTS. Whens your next show?
WS – One’s next Thursday, 27th and we’re gonna have a mix from Charlie Brown from 3 Feet High.
TS – Oh nice. OK
WS – Erm, they do like, hip-hop…
TS – …I know Charlie Brown, with the dreads. Isn’t he living in Germany he was in Berlin for a while or something?
WS – Yeah, he;s kind of across like London, Berlin and New York. 3 Feet High do parties in all 3 cities, so thats cool. I think they do them at the Alibi pretty often too.
TS – Yeah haven’t been there in a while, but thats cool. So how did you and Tim meet, was it through Dazed and the music scene, or something else?
WS – No, we were actually friends from like school. I mean we’ve been friends since we were like 15 or 16 something. I think at the time we were both just really into music. We were both into hip-hop, but he was also in kinda like a death metal band as well. At the time I was getting into DJing and we just used to hang out. We still hang out with our group of friends, so that’s that, basically.
TS – So, I’m meeting you at your wife’s digital visual art event #dotdotdot in Shoreditch. You’re such a creative couple, have you guys worked on any projects together?
WS – We have….I mean we’ve thrown some parties together, and we also worked for a couple of companies together at one point when I was freelancing as a designer. I’m pretty sure we worked on some projects together but I can’t remember but we were doing more like experiential stuff, which is interesting.
TS – So you put out your last show with Lex Records, tell us a bit about your ties with them, putting sounds to the airwaves like Circle Traps and Doom– who contacted who?
WS – Well actually with Lex, they posted one of my mixes and said, “you know we really like this mix, blah blah”, then I thought that was cool so we all got in touch.
TS – Ok, because thats er the kinda similar experimental sound? Like, dark deep hip hop?
WS – I think we all have very similar tastes. Tom, Teresa and Dan came on the show a few weeks ago?
TS – Yeah last show, Lex Records takeover.
WS – Yeah, it was pretty cool we had Circle Traps as well so it was good.
TS – So the #GGXNTS mix starts with a bit of Ohmega Watts, instrumental hip hop moving across some global sounds. Is that Brazilian or North African in there? Tell us how it all begins. What’s your thinking behind it all to get us warmed up?
WS – Well, I mean originally I did think…(honestly I actually never go to the gym), so I just tried to imagine what people would listen to at the gym. I also wanted to get as many different sounds in there as possible. It’s something like if I’m constructing a sort of mix tape then I’ll try and tell some kind of story. I put in lots of types of music so I think I started off on a high note. Then I kind of bring it down and then eventually have like a warm down thing at the end as well.
TS – Yeah, I heard that. I really love that transition between that world pop. Its pretty significant. Did you want a heavier beat to turn the workout up a bit louder? Does that work for you…in your most gym sense?
WS – Yeah, I mean that was the the other thing as well, I think originally I was thinking that it could be kinda more of a workout mix in terms of synthy electro stuff. I wanted to move into that and also have some sort of global in there. I think there might be a Ukrainian song in there.
TS – Nice, my hometown.
WS – Yeah, it’s kind of electro-y.
TS – Is that before it starts with the womp in the transition?
WS – I mean it goes into John Carpenter stuff as well.
TS – So you just you have love for a huge amount of music?
WS – Yeah, I guess, if i’m DJing I’ll play whatever sort of takes the mood really.
TS – Yeah like, feeling the room. So how do you feel about running? Is it something you could get into in the future?
WS – I actually do love it, but I personally don’t do it. I cycle to work like all the time thats like my thing. I much prefer running outdoors than in an actual gym. Before, I would always jog outside.
TS – Yeah it’s a really good way to like see the city.
WS – Yeah, I mean for me I love it (running) coz you know its like any kind of exercise, it helps relieve stress. Thats why I do it. It just resets your mind and clears your head a bit.
TS – I think thats why I kind of started this project because I really wanted people, especially people who love music and radio like I do accompany it by starting to run. You do see a city totally differently with what’s your listening to. Some people just play the same songs over and over, but I always wanted to learn about what the DJ wants you to feel. You can see it through a totally different pair of eyes to another runner.
WS – Yeah, its funny, a lot of people think that some people need high octane music, but I was talking to Tom from Lex, and he was saying that he listens to hip hop all the time when moving. He actually gets engulfed in the lyrics, and that takes his mind somewhere else. So I mean anything could work really, I guess it depends on how you feel as well.
TS – Yes, agreed. So, other than the weekends hip-flexing what’s coming up, are you training for anything or are you just good with your cycling?
WS – Yeah, to be honest erm I kinda put more emphasis on my diet than anything else. I know I do drink and stuff, obviously but I eat as healthily as I can, and cycle everywhere.
I’m really interested in nutrition, and stuff like alternative medicines as opposed to stuff you get from the chemist. I’ve been into that my whole life actually. When I was a kid I used to suffer from migraines and through homeopathy, I was completely cured immediately. So I’ve always seen the benefits in that stuff.
Lovely man.
Thanks Wriggly.
#GGXNTS Flavour Of The Month tracklist – Sounds To Run To
1. Ohmega Watts – Higher
2. Ta’Raach – Lemonade (Guru Mix)
3. Antono Carlos e Jocafi – Kabulere
4. The Jacks – Mae Ni Muchu Sa (inst)
5. Alloy – UnknownF
6. Batucada Fantastica – Maracatu
7. Esgar – Gimme
8. Bernard Wright – Funky Beat
9. Zigmars Liepins – Dance 85
10. Javelin – Lindsay Brohan
11. Ohama – The Drum (J Rocc edit)
12. Le Club – Un Fait Divers Et Rien De Plus (inst)
13. The The – Giant
14. J.M.Black – Lipstick (Shout!)
15. Boeing – Dance On The Beat
16. Rodney Franklin – Stay On In The Groove
17. Man Parrish – Hip Hop Be Bop (Don’t Stop)
18. The Splash Band – Die Klapperschange
19. Tessela – Butchwax
20. Ihsan Al-Munzer – Shish Kebab
21. Idris Muhammad – Boogie To The Top
22. Hubert Eaves – Flead Dancing
23. Ara – Mini Midi Maxi
24. Berkant – Iil Askim
25. Eddie Kendricks – Girl You Need A Change Of Mind
GGXNTSGoodGymmixMix tapemusicNYSWriggly Scott