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Written by G J

ROAD KILL – A Tale of Hood 2 Coast

The annual Hood To Coast Relay is an overnight, long-distance relay race. It is one of the longest and largest relays in the world, and on the “bucket list” for many a runner. The course runs approximately 320 km (200 mi) from Timberline Lodge on the slopes of Mount Hood, through the Portland metropolitan area, […]

Pavement Bound Mix Series Vol .5 DJ Platurn

We have been holding back on releasing the following interview  and mix from DJ Platurn for a minute as we were looking for the right time to drop it… (it’s that good). But with the recent fuckeries of the wholeTeam Drake or Team Meek situation and Twitter fingers talking about ghostwriting now seems appropriate for a mix that […]

Running to Sleep

It was love at first hang when I first met my friend Charley and he told me the plan for the evening was drinking Miller High Life and fried chicken at Peaches Hot House in Bed Stuy. Charley now lives in Portland, OR with his lovely wife, baby to be, and kick ass puppy Felix. […]

Bound Bangers

We would like to introduce Bound Bangers, our new weekly drop about tracks that makes us crush kilometers out of the gate. This week we feature the new joint from Young Thug – “Pacifier” created by the heat maker Mike Will Made It. Mike Will Made It is responsible for more jams in your iphone […]

Pavement Bound Mix Series Vol .3 Chances With Wolves

Alright ch’ yall, we have something really special for you all. Vol .3 in the Pavement Bound mix series comes from the super “feeeels” of Brooklyn’s Chances With Wolves. Just in time for the AirBnB Brooklyn Half Marathon this weekend. Good luck to all participants tomorrow. Chances with Wolves are Kenan Juska and Kray two […]


Pavement Bound Mix Series Vol. 1 – BANKRUPT

Running and I have shared stops and starts. For a long time I never loved running. I ran to keep the blues away, or ran because I wasn’t hitting the gym that day and it seemed easier. I played Football (soccer) for years and ran to keep speed up. Recently though running became something much more out of […]